Beginning with just one school in 1998, the pARTnership Program has expanded over the last 24 years to include 10 schools across all five boroughs. In order to impact the entire school community in a meaningful way, we offer pARTnership schools subsidized or no cost residencies in an array of arts disciplines, as well as professional development and family workshops. Participating schools stand out for their strong commitment to the arts and dedication to building a sustainable arts culture that includes all members of the school community.
pARTnership Objectives:
- Reach every student in all ten schools by offering multiple residencies over the year, with the eventual goal to have all students working with Marquis Studios Teaching Artists through the entire school year.
- Foster strong partnerships between Teaching Artists and classroom teachers through meaningful professional development and collaboration.
- Involve parents and family members in arts education by incorporating hands-on workshops.
The pARTnership Program is guided by our mission to provide arts access to students regardless of income or ability – the majority of participants live below the poverty line and nearly half are students with disabilities. Currently the program serves 10 New York City schools, with two sites in each borough. Collectively, programming reaches an average of 7,500 K-12 students each year, most of whom would not otherwise have access to arts education.

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.